The Europeana SPARQL endpoint#

Europeana is an initiative of the European Union aimed at enhancing the digital access to the collections of more than 3000 cultural heritage institutions acress Europe. Over the past few years, more than 50 million objects have been accumulated from these institutions. On the platform, users can find detailed information about a wide variety of cultural heritage artefacts, including paintings, books, music, and videos and audio files. The metadata that have been collected can also be searched using SPARQL on Europeana’s SPARQL endpoint, available at

The cell below defines the SPARQL endpoint and creates a function to run queries against this endpoint.

from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
import pandas as pd
import re

import ssl

    _create_unverified_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
except AttributeError:
    ssl._create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_https_context

endpoint = ''
sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint)

def run_query(sparql_query):
    data = sparql.query().convert()
    df = pd.json_normalize(data['results']['bindings'])  
    return df
def print_results(df):
    for i,row in df.iterrows():
        for column in df.columns:
            if'value$' , column):
                print( f'{column} => {row[column].strip()}' )

Before you start to work with the Europeana data, it is useful to familiarise yourself with the Europeana data model.

The model can be visualised as follows:

A central resource in the datamodel is edm:providedCHO.

This edm:providedCHO is part of two ore:Aggregations. There is a local ore:Aggregation, next to an edm:EuropeanaAggregation. Europeana makes a distinction between the metadata that are supplied by the local data provider on the one hand, and the metadata that has been added by Europeana on the other.

The term ‘Aggregation’ is taken from the Object Reuse and Exchange vocabulary, which was developed to describe compound digital objects.

Both aggregations contain ore:Proxy resources. These ore:Proxy resources contain most of the descriptive metadata about the heritage objects. The ‘local’ Proxy (i.e. the ore:Proxy resource connected to ore:Aggregation) contains most of the metadata that have been supplied by the contributing instution. The ore:Proxy resource connected to the edm:EuropeanaAggregation contains some additional metadata.

More detailed information about the Europeana Data Model can be found in the Primer.

The explanation of this model may have seemed slightly complicated, but, to work with the Europeana data, you mainly need to know the predicates that are available for these various resources.

The ore:Proxy in the ore:Aggregation is described using the following properties:

  • dc:title

  • dc:creator

  • dc:relation

  • dc:type

  • dcterms:created

  • dcterms:extent

  • dc:publisher

  • dc:identifier

  • dc:created

  • dc:source

  • edm:type

  • dc:coverage

  • dc:description

  • dc:format

  • dc:language

  • dc:subject

  • dcterms:isPartOf

  • dcterms:spatial

You can use these predicates to search metadata harvested from the local data provider.

The query below selects the title, the type and the date of creation of a small list of ten objects.

query = '''
PREFIX dc:      <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX edm:     <>
PREFIX ore:     <>

SELECT ?title ?type ?date 

    ?object dc:title ?title .
    ?object dc:type ?type .
    ?object dcterms:created ?date .

ORDER BY ?title

df = run_query(query)

See the result

The query shownabove searches in all the 50 million objects available in Europeana.

You can also search more specifically for certain types of objects. You can state that the objects should be of type ‘IMAGE’, for example. You can do this by making use of the dc:type property.

query = '''
PREFIX dc:      <>
PREFIX edm:     <>
PREFIX ore:     <>

SELECT ?title ?type ?date

    ?object dc:title ?title .
    ?object dc:date ?date .
    ?object dc:type ?type .
    ?object dc:identifier ?id
    ?object dc:publisher ?pub .
    ?object dc:created ?cr . } .
    ?object dc:type 'IMAGE' . 


df = run_query(query)

See the result

It must be noted, however, that the values in the dc:type predicate have not been entered consistently by all institutions. As a results of this, you will not necessarily receive all images.

The ore:Proxy object in the local ore:Aggregation has descriptive metadata supplied by the data provided, as was mentioned. Data about the data provider itself and about the rights associated with the object can be found in the ore:Aggregation Resource this local Proxy belongs to. The ore:Proxy is connected to the ore:Aggregation via the ore:proxyIn predicate.

The local ore:Aggregation is described using the following properties:

  • edm:dataProvider

  • edm:rights

  • edm:isShownAt

  • edm:isShownBy

  • edm:object

  • edm:provider

query = '''
PREFIX dc:      <>
PREFIX edm:     <>
PREFIX ore:     <>


    ?object dc:title ?title .
    ?object dc:date ?date .
    ?object dc:type ?type .
    ?object dc:identifier ?id .
    ?object ore:proxyIn ?aggr .
    ?aggr edm:dataProvider ?institution .
    ?aggr edm:rights ?rights .

df = run_query(query)

See the result

Once you have set up a connection between a local ore:Proxy and a local ore:Aggregation, you can search for objects contributed by a specific data provider, such as the Rijksmuseum.

query = """
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX ore: <>
PREFIX html: <>

SELECT ?title ?object ?local_aggr

?object dc:title ?title .
?object ore:proxyIn ?local_aggr .

?local_aggr edm:dataProvider "Rijksmuseum" .

df = run_query(query)

See the result

You can also request the links of the digital objects. This link is usually provided as an object followung the edm:isShownAt predicate.

edm:isShownAt mostly contains a link to the landing page describing the object.

query = """
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX ore: <>
PREFIX html: <>

SELECT ?title ?url 

?object dc:title ?title .
?object ore:proxyIn ?local_aggr .

?local_aggr edm:isShownAt ?url .
?local_aggr edm:dataProvider "Rijksmuseum" .

df = run_query(query)

See the result

The ore:Proxy resource that is connected to a ore:Aggregation is also a proxy for an edm:aggregatedCHO resource. This latter resource is also part of an edm:EuropeanaAggregation. This resource can be described using the following predicates:

  • edm:collectionName

  • edm:country

  • edm:landingPage

  • edm:language

Once you have found the edm:EuropeanaAggregation associated with an edm:aggregatedCHO, you search for objects managed by a cultural heritage institution in a specific country, or for objects in a specific langauge.

The SPARQL query below searches for images supplied by an institution located in Belgium in the Dutch language.

query = """
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX ore: <>
PREFIX html: <>

SELECT ?title ?creator ?img_url ?eur_aggr ?local_aggr
?object edm:type "IMAGE" .
?object dc:title ?title .
?object dc:creator ?creator .

?object ore:proxyIn ?local_aggr .
?object ore:proxyFor ?cho .

?eur_aggr edm:aggregatedCHO ?cho .
?eur_aggr a edm:EuropeanaAggregation .

?local_aggr edm:provider ?glam_inst .
?eur_aggr edm:country 'belgium' .
?eur_aggr edm:language ?lang .
?eur_aggr edm:language 'nl' .

OPTIONAL{ ?local_aggr edm:object ?img_url . } .



df = run_query(query)

See the result